Studio Policies for Students of Dr. DeAnna Howe
- Students are expected to practice six times per week. Your lesson with me does not constitute a practice session.
- Students under 14 cannot be expected to go to the piano by themselves on a consistent basis. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that practice sessions are not missed. It is the responsibility of the child, however, to go CHEERFULLY to the piano upon first request and complete his/her assignments carefully and thoroughly. Please be aware that playing the piano is not the same thing as practicing. I always write out practice instructions in great detail. You are welcome to play as much as you wish, but play-time is not the same as practice time.
- The importance of completing the listening assignments diligently cannot be overemphasized. Reqular attendance at live concerts is also highly encouraged. There are many free events in our area. If you need help finding quality events to attend, I will help you.
- Attendance at lessons, studio classes, and recitals is mandatory. Studio classes are held four times per year. Students who miss lessons, studio classes, or recitals for reasons other than illness or emergency will be dropped from the studio.
- Please refrain from wandering around the house. Siblings and parents are welcome to wait in the living room.
- I cannot be responsible for your child before and after the lesson. Please see that you pick him/her up on time.